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Database Structure



Figure 1

The above (Figure 1) shows an overview of the AIST Dance DB. This database consists of 1,618 street dances among 13,940 videos including

  • 13,888 videos of 10 street dance genres,
  • 52 additional videos with three different situations.

The following tables summarize the number of dances and videos.

All 10 genres
Cameras 1 genre
All 10 genres
Basic Dance 120 1200 9 1080 10800 - 2
Advanced Dance 21 210 9 189 1890
Group Dance 10 100 9 90 900
Moving Camera 10 100 3 30 300
Summary 161 1610 1389 13888
(Additional videos)
1 genre
All 1 genre
Cameras 1 genre
All 1 genre
Showcase 3 3 9 27 27
Cypher 2 2 5 10 10
Battle 3 3 5 15 15
Summary 8 8 52 52
Dance Video
Total 1618 13940
- - -
1 genre 161 1389
All 10 genres 1610 13890 - 2
Situation 8 52
- - -
Solo 1510 12990 - 2
Group 108 952
- - -
Basic Dance 1200 10800 - 2
All except Basic Dance 418 3142

More Details


Each of the 10 dance genres has 1,389 videos in 4 categories:

  • Basic Dance 120 dances in 1,080 videos for basic genre-specific dance moves with four variations in impression: intense, loose, hard, and soft,
  • Advanced Dance 21 dances in 189 videos for advanced dance moves originally choreographed by each individual dancer (some dancers shared own choreographies with others),
  • Group Dance 10 dances in 90 videos for group dance done with three dancers having different original choreographies,
  • Moving Camera 10 dances in 30 dolly-shot videos with moving camera.

Basic Dance

1,080 videos per genre (= 3 dancers x 10 dances x 4 variations x 9 cameras)

Basic Dance basic_dance
Dancers per genre 3 dancers
Dances per dancer 10 dances
Variations 4 variations (intense, loose, hard, soft)
Duration 16 beats, 23 seconds (average)
Cameras 9 cameras
Camera positions basic_dance

Advanced Dance

189 videos per genre (= 3 dancers x 7 dances x 9 cameras)

The advanced dance set consists of 12 dances choreographed by the dancers.

Advanced Dance advanced dance
Dancers per genre 3 dancers
Dances per dancer More than 7 dances
Duration 64 beats, 52 seconds (average)
Cameras 9 cameras
Camera positions advanced dance

Group Dance

90 videos per genre (= 1 group x 10 dances x 9 cameras)

A group consists of 3 dancers performing 10 dances choreographed by themselves.

Group Dance group dance
Groups per genre 1 group
Dancers per group 3 dancers
Dances created by a dancer 10 dances
Duration 64 beats, 52 seconds (average)
Cameras 9 cameras
Camera positions group dance

Moving Camera

30 videos per genre (= 10 dances x 3 cameras)

Moving Camera moving_camera
Dancers per genre 3 dancers
Dances created by a dancer 10 dances
Duration 64 beats, 52 seconds (average)
Cameras 3 cameras
Camera positions moving_camera

Additional videos

  • Showcase (3 dances in 24 videos showing stage dance performances done by 10 dancers in front of audiences)
  • Cypher (2 dances in 10 videos where 10 dancers line up in a circle and dance in turns)
  • Battle (3 dances in 15 videos where 2 dancers face each other and dance)


  • 27 videos
  • 96 beats, 75 seconds (average)
  • 3 dances by 10 dancers
Showcase showcase
Groups 1 group by 10 dancers
Dances created by a group 3 dances
Duration 96 beats, 75 seconds (average)
Cameras 9 cameras
Camera positions showcase


  • 10 videos
  • 10 dancers lined up in a circle and took turns dancing in the center for approximately 1 minute.
  • The dancers improvised the dances to the music played at the moment.
  • The timing at which to change dancers was up to the dancers.
  • Music clips were newly created for this occasion.
  • The duration of a set of dances was 10 minutes, and 2 sets were filmed in total.
Cypher cypher
Groups 1 group by 10 dancers
Sets per group 2 sets
Duration approximately 10 minutes
Cameras 5 cameras
Camera positions cypher


  • 15 videos
  • 2 dancers created a group, and 3 groups in total took turns dancing in front of 5 cameras.
  • 2 dancers in a group faced each other, and dancers performed a dance one by one for approximately 1 minute each.
  • The time at which to change dancers was up to the dancers.
  • Music clips were newly created for this occasion.
  • A set lasted 4 minutes, and 3 sets were filmed in total.
Battle battle
Groups 1 group of 2 dancers
Sets per group 3 sets
Duration approximately 4 minutes
Cameras 5 cameras
Camera positions battle

Dance Genre

The dance genres are divided into Old School styles, which are dance styles from the 1970s to 1990s, and New School styles, which are dance styles that have appeared since the 1990s. We asked the experts on street dances to set the dance genres.

Old School

Old School
Break a
Pop a
Lock a
Waack a

New School

New School
Middle Hip-hop a
LA-style Hip-hop a
House a
Krump a
Street Jazz a
Ballet Jazz a


To cover choreographic variations within dance genres, we had 35 professional dancers (20 male and 15 female) participate in video recordings in a professional studio. At least 3 dancers performed each genre. All dancers had more than 5 years of dance experience. All videos were recorded in full color, although dancers mainly wore monotone clothing when dancing. Please see Dancer Info for more detailed information on the dancers.


We fixed all camera positions except for the moving camera. The height of the cameras was 180 cm above the floor except for camera C09, which was 40 cm above the floor. The location of the front-facing camera was carefully designed to capture the full body of the dancers, and the other cameras were located to capture as much of the dancers’ body as possible except for group dance.


Basic Dance videos contain the commonly shared basic dance motions. The list of those dance motions are available here.


This database includes 60 musical pieces over 10 dance genres. Each piece is available for download at Get Only Music Data.

The tempi of the 6 pieces (one piece for one genre, except for House) were set to 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, and 130 beats per minute (BPM). The tempi for the six pieces of House were set to 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, and 135 BPM.

List of musical pieces

Genre ID tempo
Break mBR0 80
mBR1 90
mBR2 100
mBR3 110
mBR4 120
mBR5 130
- - -
Pop mPO0 80
mPO1 90
mPO2 100
mPO3 110
mPO4 120
mPO5 130
- - -
Lock mLO0 80
mLO1 90
mLO2 100
mLO3 110
mLO4 120
mLO5 130
- - -
Middle Hip-hop mMH0 80
mMH1 90
mMH2 100
mMH3 110
mMH4 120
mMH5 130
- - -
LA style Hip-hop mLH0 80
mLH1 90
mLH2 100
mLH3 110
mLH4 120
mLH5 130
- - -
House mHO0 110
mHO1 115
mHO2 120
mHO3 125
mHO4 130
mHO5 135
- - -
Waack mWA0 80
mWA1 90
mWA2 100
mWA3 110
mWA4 120
mWA5 130
- - -
Krump mKR0 80
mKR1 90
mKR2 100
mKR3 110
mKR4 120
mKR5 130
- - -
Street Jazz mJS0 80
mJS1 90
mJS2 100
mJS3 110
mJS4 120
mJS5 130
- - -
Ballet Jazz mJB0 80
mJB1 90
mJB2 100
mJB3 110
mJB4 120
mJB5 130

More Details

Sum (GB)
Sum (hours)
Average (sec)
Basic dance BR 1080 1.8 2.8 9.4
HO 1080 1.7 2.4 7.9
JB 1080 1.8 2.8 9.4
JS 1080 1.4 2.8 9.4
KR 1080 1.7 2.8 9.4
LH 1080 1.9 2.8 9.4
LO 1080 1.8 2.8 9.4
MH 1078 2.0 2.8 9.4
PO 1080 1.8 2.8 9.4
WA 1080 1.9 2.8 9.4
SUM 10798 17.9 27.8
Sum (GB)
Sum (hours)
Average (sec)
Advanced dance BR 189 1.3 1.9 35.0
HO 189 1.3 1.7 31.5
JB 189 1.2 2.0 37.3
JS 189 1.1 2.0 37.7
KR 189 1.3 1.9 37.0
LH 189 1.4 2.0 38.5
LO 189 1.4 1.9 36.7
MH 189 1.4 2.0 38.4
PO 189 1.3 1.9 37.1
WA 189 1.4 1.9 37.1
SUM 1890 12.9 19.3
Sum (GB)
Sum (hours)
Average (sec)
Group dance BR 90 1.1 0.9 37.4
HO 90 0.9 0.8 31.5
JB 90 0.9 0.9 37.4
JS 90 0.8 0.9 36.7
KR 90 1.1 0.9 37.9
LH 90 1.1 0.9 37.6
LO 90 1.2 1.0 39.8
MH 90 1.2 0.9 36.8
PO 90 0.9 0.9 36.0
WA 90 0.9 0.9 36.0
SUM 900 10.2 9.2
Sum (GB)
Sum (hours)
Average (sec)
Moving camera BR 30 0.3 0.3 34.9
HO 30 0.3 0.3 31.1
JB 30 0.3 0.3 36.1
JS 30 0.4 0.3 40.6
KR 30 0.4 0.3 41.3
LH 30 0.4 0.3 37.9
LO 30 0.4 0.3 37.7
MH 30 0.4 0.4 42.2
PO 30 0.3 0.3 34.1
WA 30 0.3 0.3 35.8
SUM 300 3.4 3.1
Sum (GB)
Sum (hours)
Average (sec)
Showcase 27 4.8 0.6 74.6
Cypher 10 16.2 1.9 685.9
Battle 15 8.6 1.0 242.5
SUM 52 29.6 3.5